WCF Journey
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Hope for Ayesha's Son
Ayesha visited one of our mobile clinics seeking medication for herself and her son, who had been suffering from a high fever for several days.
Several Days With Fever
Yusuf and Miriam, two Lebanese children displaced from the south, came to our Life Center with their parents after hearing about our services from friends.
Medical Mission to Nepal
We mobilized 19 medical professionals from US churches, serving 945 patients.
South Asia - Brick Kiln Projects
Our Life Center team does a mobile medical clinic at a brick kiln twice a month.
Mobile Medical Team To Jordan
Our medical team served at all 3 Life Centers and at a refugee camp near the Syrian border. Overall, we were able to treat 476 souls.
Middle East Life Centers
We recently took a small team to the Middle East to meet with the leaders of 7 Life Centers ("LC") that we have launched in this region. Our partners live with war and instability constantly hanging over their heads. However, this instability has allowed us to extend a compassionate and loving hand to the refugees and hurting.
South Asia - Mobile Medical
We recently took a small medical team to South Asia to serve with our local field partners where we launched a Life Center (LC).
Iraq - New Life Center
This Life Center has a primary care Medical Clinic, English and Computer classes.