South Asia - Brick Kiln Education Projects

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In South Asia, 97% of the population is Muslim and about 2% is Christian. Approximately 2 to 3 million of these Christians live under slave-like conditions as bonded labor in brick kiln factories.

Our Life Center team does a mobile medical clinic at a brick kiln twice a month. A few months ago, we took a small medical team to one of these brick kilns. We helped more than a hundred patients that day and we ended in a prayer meeting where our team shared the Word of God and prayed for them. There is a Christian family there that helped to coordinate our clinic and the family cooked a meal for the patients and our team.

Mobile clinic

It's extremely difficult for children to get an education in these circumstances and in some cases, a family will devote all their extra resources for one child to get an education even if it means staying in debt longer. The eldest daughter Natasha of our host family had been diligent to get her education. We found out that it would cost just $30/month for 18 months for her to finish her high school education at a better school. Thanks to your support, WCF committed to Natasha the $540 that is needed for her to complete her high school education.

Natasha - View Fundraiser Here

In addition, the mother of our host family said that she could start a sewing school in this same brick kiln. This would help empower the girls to get additional skills where they could earn extra money to pay for food and to pay off their debt.

Praise the Lord, WCF was able to send funds to start this program. Before starting the school, we trained the teacher at our partner's vocational training school and provided her with all the necessary instructions and course materials. Our partner will conduct exams each month to assess the students' progress. At the end of the diploma program, each girl or woman will receive a sewing machine as a gift so she can start her own business.

There are 8 girls and women being trained in a 6-month sewing diploma program. The progress of the school is very encouraging and we are thankful for your support.

Sewing Class - View fundraiser Here

Last year, we had met another family in a different brick kiln where the mom had polio and they had one daughter. The father was a shoe repairman and the mom had learned sewing at a vocational school. They had borrowed money from the brick kiln owner due to a medical emergency that they couldn't afford. Although I met many families in great need that day, I felt strongly to help this family to pay off their debt. WCF was able to do that and they were able to find jobs outside for a time.

Family working in the Brick Kiln

When we visited a few months ago, we found that the father ended up in a serious motorcycle that shattered his leg and he couldn't work. The mom with polio had to work extra and Muskan, the daughter, had to drop out of school due to the expense.

Father with shattered leg

Thankfully, WCF was able to raise the funds to cover Muskan’s education for the next year. She said she wanted to be a doctor one day. Muskan is deeply grateful for the support she has received.

Muskan - View fundraiser Here

Please pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in South Asia. If you would like to support our South Asia Life Center and humanitarian ministry please click on the button below. 


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