WCF Journey
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Mexico City Life Center
Helping launch a Medical/Vocational Training Life Center with a local church in Mexico City.
South Asia - Brick Kiln Projects
Our Life Center team does a mobile medical clinic at a brick kiln twice a month.
Rebuilding After the Fire
In May, one of our Lebanon Life Center had a devastating fire that caused extensive damage to the computer lab and main administrative office.
Middle East Life Centers
We recently took a small team to the Middle East to meet with the leaders of 7 Life Centers ("LC") that we have launched in this region. Our partners live with war and instability constantly hanging over their heads. However, this instability has allowed us to extend a compassionate and loving hand to the refugees and hurting.
Iraq - New Life Center
This Life Center has a primary care Medical Clinic, English and Computer classes.
Zaiid’s Story | Finding New Hope at the Life Center
In addition to medical care, we offer trauma counseling, home visits and support to those carrying the scars of war and violence.