Iraq Update - New Life Center


WCF officially launched our newest WCF Life Center (LC) with our local partner in Iraq. This is our 9th Life Center in the Middle East region. This Life Center has a primary care Medical Clinic, English and Computer classes. The medical clinic is staffed by a local Yazidi doctor who served with our mobile medical team last year. The English and Computer classes are being taught by local teachers, one of whom translated for General David Petraeus many years ago. This is all part of our holistic approach to the communities that we serve.

Medical Clinic: Pharmacy shelves


In the past, WCF organized Mobile Medical Clinics throughout this area, but a few weeks ago we sent an English and Computer teaching team to conduct intensive classes in an Internally Displaced Camp (IDP) camp as well as to do curriculum training for our local teachers. We will be using the same curriculum we've developed for our other Life Centers in the region.

We conducted our classes in our partner's modest facility here in the camp where they operate a sewing program. Almost all the youth had no previous exposure to computers so they were eager to learn a valuable skill. Our English students were eager to practice their conversational English with our team. We enjoyed our time with the young people who were very welcoming, friendly and respectful. For some of them, it was their first introduction to our partner's programs, and they expressed a desire to continue learning and participating in the future.

Computer Class

English Class


Last year, we did medical clinics in various camps and locations. We met with several leaders that hosted our teams and shared how much these clinics helped the communities and have eagerly invited us to return. Our medical team was greatly encouraged by this and we see the establishment of our first Life Center here to be the beginning of a long term commitment to the health and wellness of the most underserved communities here.

Last year's Medical Camp


During the height of the COVID pandemic, WCF provided basic humanitarian relief to thousands in this region in the form of Food and Hygiene care packages. On this trip, we met with families and community leaders that shared about the continued and growing difficulties of every day life due to the global economic crisis, the instability of the region, their status as a refugee or displaced person, and for some, being a part of a minority group.

Long ago, I knew that I can't help everyone around the world, but I want to help those that God has placed before me - whether with humanitarian relief, medical care or get them longer term vocational or ministry training.

We have setup the Iraq Humanitarian Project page to collect funds to help people such as the man who has been persecuted for years due to personal beliefs, or the refugee who needs a PET Scan due to a potential tumor ($1200), or the many others that I either met or heard about on our trip.

We invite you to join us in this country in a practical way:

We are also in the process of setting up a formal Iraq Life Center project page so that you can join us in supporting this vital longer term work.

God bless,


Turkey Earthquake Update


Zaiid’s Story | Finding New Hope at the Life Center