South Asia - Mobile Medical
We recently took a small medical team to South Asia to serve with our local field partners where we launched a Life Center (LC). We were able to serve here by providing mobile medical ministry where we served 543 patients throughout the week.
Mobile Medical Clinic
Home Visits
On my last visit here a year and a half ago, I met a number of families who were in terrible living situations. A young lady who had a lingering head injury shared how her family was living in a field with sheets as walls and no roof. However, she has tried to apply herself and was one of the top students in the LC sewing classes. We were able to raise up money to build them a small house and we visited them on this trip. It was life transforming. They were so happy and grateful to show us their new home.
New Home
Life Center
We launched a Life Center at the edge of this major city 2 years ago. This area has many minorities who are extremely poor, such as the family just mentioned. This Life Center has become their only way to get medical care. In just 2 years, our LC has seen 18,106 patients to date.
LC Family Doctor with our new Ultrasound
Life Center Patients
We held one of our mobile clinics here and we had many people coming not just from this impoverished neighborhood, but also from nearby brick kilns.
We met a number of families in very difficult medical situations. Here are a few:
12 year old Natasha came into the LC with a leg severely burned several years ago due to hot water spilling on her. The family couldn't afford medical care so she was never seen by any medical people. It created large scars and impedes her ability to walk. Our doctors said that she needs plastic surgery to give her full range of motion in her leg again. We're estimating this will cost approximately $5,000.
Natasha with leg burn
On our previous trip, we were able to free a family from the brick kilns where the mom suffered from polio. They had been doing well for some time, but unfortunately, the husband was in a motorcycle accident and his leg was broken in several places. He went to a fraud doctor who made his leg worse. He was bedridden for 8 months and he can't walk properly. His wife, who suffers from polio, had to take on extra work. Their 11 year old girl had to stop attending school as they could no longer afford it and she had to start working. We plan to find an orthopedist to properly correct his leg. This will also likely cost approximately $5,000.
Family in the Brick Kiln
Family Freed from the Brick Kiln
These are just the tip of the iceberg of cases we saw. We are in the process of collecting funds and estimates to provide corrective surgeries and care.
Brick Kiln Clinic
We did a mobile medical clinic at one of the hundreds of brick kilns in this region. The families in these kilns are there because they went into debt to the kiln owners and they now have to work off the debt - which is usually thousands of dollars. They have to make 1,000 bricks per day and get $3, which nets to $2 because they have to pay for the mud and materials.
Brick Kiln Clinic
Most of these families have never received medical care in their lives. Our LC team has been visiting a brick kiln every other week to do clinics. Our clinic here was a challenge environmentally, but the people were very friendly and grateful. We had our Ob/Gyn and local LC family doctor with our portable ultrasound to provide additional service to women, as well as our general practitioners.
People from the Brick Kiln
If you would like to support our ongoing Life Center work, please visit our project page:
If you would like to sponsor needed surgeries, please visit our South Asia Humanitarian Relief page:
Your sponsorship for these projects is vital for these families that have no other hope.
May God bless you,
Jerry Park.