South Asia Humanitarian Relief

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What We Provide:

World Compassion Fellowship (WCF) sponsors Food and Hygiene Care Kits, Essential Supplies, Emergency Medical Care, Housing Assistance for the most vulnerable families and persecuted minorities

  • Food and Hygiene Care Kits
  • Essential Supplies
  • Emergency Medical Care
  • Housing Assistance (e.g. building roofs, homes)

How We Help

The minority religious groups here comprise less than 2% of the population and are in serious need of many kinds of humanitarian care. 

WCF has been involved in humanitarian outreach here since 2020. WCF provided more than 11,000 Food-Month Care Packages during and after the COVID-19 Crisis. Many of the poorest homes have no roofs. Some families live with animals and have no actual shelter for themselves so WCF has provided roofs and built homes in some cases, which can cost around $2,000. 

WCF has launched multiple Life Centers and mobilized many medical teams to the Brick Kilns where people live in slave-like conditions. WCF has served more than 25,000 people in our Life Centers and brick kiln mobile clinics.


This region has minority communities that are small (2%), extremely poor and work in almost slave-like jobs in brick kilns and other bonded labor situations. WCF is working with an indigenous organization born out of a need to address the terrible poverty and injustice in these communities. Our ministry together focuses on providing humanitarian, development and medical care to these disadvantaged families using our Life Center as a hub.