Natasha’s Hope Amidst Adversity
In South Asia, our Life Center there has been sending teams to minister to extremely impoverished families that live as bonded labor in brick kiln factories. Last year, we had taken a medical team there to help more than a hundred patients that day where we also prayed with the people.
We spent time with a Christian family that lives in that kiln who helped us coordinate our clinic. It's almost impossible for a child to get an education there and some families devote the little funds they have to get one child an education. The eldest daughter Natasha of our host family had been diligent to further her education and when we found out that it would cost just $30/month for 18 months for her to finish her high school education, we raised up that support.
Unfortunately, a group of men from the nearby area harrassed her and tried to kidnap her with the intent to rape her - which sadly is typical in these environments. Fortunately, her father was nearby and heard her screaming and he tried to intervene. Both her and her father were beaten severely to the point that Natasha was hospitalized and was unconscious for 24 hours.
Our local partners have filed a legal case against the attackers, but the family is now in grave danger. We are working together to try to pay off their kiln debt and relocate the family in another area.
Please pray for Natasha and her family, to recover physically and from the trauma and for them to find a safe place to go to.
Would you consider becoming a monthly supporter of our WCF Life Center programs so that we can continue its life saving work to help families like Natasha in this very oppressive area?
God bless you as you pray and give.