Stories of Hope from Jordan

A healthcare worker with lighter curly hair appears to be drawing blood or similar procedure on an older woman with a teal headscarf and black abaya.

A Jordan Life Center health worker examines a female patient.

In Jordan, many of the patients at our Life Centers are refugees. While over 700,000 refugees seek shelter in Jordan from many surrounding countries, only Syrian refugees are legally allowed to work, though jobs are still very scarce due to the economy. The United Nations provides little aid, and there is little to no healthcare access.

Here are just a few stories from the 4,536 medical visits we provided at little to no cost to patients in Jordan last year.

A Sudanese refugee family visited our clinic. The two-year-old son was below the recommended weight and was not eating well. The mother was 8 months pregnant.

We spent time addressing these health issues and caring for the family as they navigate the many challenges of refugee life.

A widowed Yemeni woman came to the clinic with her three children. Her son had ankyloglossia, or a tongue tie, and was eating poorly.

We connected her to a dentist who helped her son and provided important nutritional vitamins. The mother, who felt very isolated, cried as she saw that we cared about her son.

Little gifts, such as giving every child a toothbrush and toothpaste when we can, show many of these families they are cared for.

An Iraqi woman with severe depression came to us concerned about her adult son who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder due to war trauma and refuses to leave the house.

Amazingly, one day he came to the clinic, and we connected him to a center for victims of torture.

We could not care for those suffering so severely without you. Thank you for your constant support for our mission to help those in desperate need.

To learn more about our Jordanian Life Centers, please click here.


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