Abida’s Story | Light in the Darkness
Abida smiles as she sits in a dental exam chair at our Life Center.
Abida is a 45-year-old woman who lives in a poor area in a war zone. She suffers from severe, cramping stomach pain and visited our Middle East Life Center after we treated her friend.
After running some tests, our doctor found that she was malnourished and deficient in crucial vitamins.
Our dentist also conducted an oral examination and found that she had loss of teeth, poor treatment, and neglect of oral health. The loss of teeth was caused by her malnutrition.
We provided Abida anti-convulsive medication and some vitamins. We also began treating her teeth because the presence of dental abscesses is very dangerous for the digestive system.
Abida is not the only one suffering from malnutrition here. According to the United Nations, 12 million people face difficulty procuring food.
Imagine if every single person in both New York City and Los Angeles struggled to find food.
Abida told us, “I think that no light can erase the darkness of what we are in. I live in darkness in my mind and in my life, and everything around me is darkness upon darkness.”
At our Life Centers, we offer hope in the darkness to those in pain and suffering. Not only do we offer medical services at little to no cost, we treat every person who comes in with respect, love and dignity.
To learn more about our Middle East Life Center, please click here.
Thank you for supporting our work bringing light into the darkness.