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What We Provide:

WCF provides the following at 2 Mexico Life Centers:

  • Construction and Launch of a Medical and Job Skills Training Life Center in the Oaxaca area. The Life Center will provide primary medical care services, subsidies for medication and labs, and Job Skills training in classes such as English and Computer.
  • Technical support for an upcoming Medical and Vocational Training Life Center in the Mexico City area. The Life Center will provide primary medical care services, subsidies for medication and labs, and Job Skills training in classes such as English and Computer.

Life Center: Medical Services

Our Life Center is staffed with local professionals - Physicians, Nurses, and other support staff. The Medical Life Center provides:

  • Primary Medical Care – such as infectious disease treatment and chronic illness management

  • Emergency Cases & Surgeries

  • Medication

  • Lab/Imaging

  • Health care seminars and promotion for the community

Life Center: Job Skills Training

Our Life Center is staffed by local teachers. The Job Skills Life Center provides classes in:

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Computer

  • Discipleship


Mexico is home to 126 million people, but many face challenges, with 60% living in poverty and 80% in Mexico City struggling even more. Indigenous people, who make up 9.4% of the population, often face discrimination and deeper poverty. Religion is central to many, with 78% identifying as Catholic, 11% as Protestant or Evangelical, and another 11% following other beliefs. Many children, about 11 million under age 15, work to help support their families. While Spanish is the main language, Mexico is very diverse, with nearly 300 other languages spoken.

WCF History In The Region

World Compassion Fellowship has treated more than 32,000 patients in more than 19 countries in our Mobile Medical Clinics. The Clinics provide primary care, treatment for infectious diseases, treatment for acute and chronic conditions, and other needed medical services and health promotion events. WCF has also organized intensive Business and Job Skills Training classes in 19 countries for more than 4,500 students.

WCF has organized Job Skills Training classes in Mexico since 2024.