Lebanon Humanitarian Relief

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What We Provide:

World Compassion Fellowship (WCF) sponsors Food and Hygiene Care Kits, Essential Supplies and Emergency Medical Care for the most vulnerable families (mainly Syrian and Iraqi Refugees and displaced or impoverished locals)

  • Food and Hygiene Care Kits
  • Essential Supplies
  • Emergency Medical Care

How We Help

Lebanon is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis fueled by a collapsing economy, a severe refugee burden, and escalating regional conflicts.
WCF has been involved in humanitarian outreach here since 2014. WCF provided more than 128,000 Food-Month Care Packages during the COVID-19 Crisis. WCF has also launched multiple Life Centers and mobilized many medical teams to different parts of the country. WCF has served more than 40,000 people in our Life Centers and 3,000 people in our mobile clinics.


Lebanon is currently grappling with one of the most severe crises in its modern history, marked by overlapping challenges that have left millions in need of urgent assistance.

Lebanon, with an original population of 4 million, has more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees and tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees throughout the country, the most refugees per capita in the world. These refugees, along with vulnerable Lebanese communities, face dire living conditions, limited access to resources, and heightened tensions as local infrastructure struggles to support the population. Many refugees live in overcrowded informal settlements with inadequate shelter, sanitation, and access to work or education. There are also many refugees that live in overcrowded urban areas.

The country’s economy has been in freefall since 2019 as its currency lost over 98% of its value against the US dollar, wiping out savings and decimating purchasing power. Hyperinflation has sent the prices of basic goods skyrocketing, while unemployment and poverty rates have soared. Public services, including electricity, healthcare, and education, have collapsed. This has been especially crippling for the local Lebanese population. A Lebanese family that used to make on average about $1,000 USD per month is now earning less than $50 USD. The poverty rate among the Lebanese has skyrocketed.  

For almost a year, constant rocket attack exchanges between the dominant military force in the country and its neighbor to the south resulted in more than a million people displaced from the south as well as many buildings and infrastructure damaged or destroyed. There is now a ceasefire that has been held as of this writing, but reconstruction costs are enormous and the situation can spiral out of control at any moment.

WCF has been involved in humanitarian care in Lebanon since 2014.