Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

Haiti Educational Sponsorships

Provides educational sponsorships for at-risk children and youth in the Ravines of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Project Goal: To provide sponsorships for children and young adults to attend school from primary age to university

What We Provide:

  • Tuition Fees (ranging from $150 to $2,500 USD per semester)

The Background

Our Port-au-Prince partner, Caribbean Grace Tabernacle (CGT), founded by Haitian native Elsie Lherisson, has been sponsoring children in the ministry to go to school since 1995.  We have seen young children who started in the ministry's food program (also part of WCF's Humanitarian projects) grow up from abject poverty to become professional Computer Programmers and Medical Doctors thanks to the faithful year after year support of CGT.  

WCF is proud to partner with CGT to provide educational sponsorships to children from primary school to young adults in University studying diverse subjects such as Computer Technology to Agronomy.  The ministry currently has 32 children and young adults in the scholarship program.  Tuition fees range from as small as $150 USD for those in primary school to $2,500 USD for the young person in University.


Lack of access to education is a key obstacle to economic development in Haiti. Most families that live in the Ravines or other shanty town areas cannot afford the school or tuition fees or even a basic uniform to attend school. The average Haitian 25 years or older has less than 5 years of schooling. 60% of children drop out of school by the sixth grade. Very few Haitians receive higher education, which severely limits their ability to succeed in the labor force. WCF's goal is to provide more access to school or resources to those who cannot normally get that access without outside help.