Lebanon, with an original population of 4 million, has more than 1.5 million Syrian refugees and tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees throughout the country, the most refugees per capita in the world. WCF has been sending mobile medical teams to Lebanon since 2014 to serve the refugees who have fled war.

However, the overall situation in Lebanon is growing increasingly unstable. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Lebanon was experiencing a major political and economic crisis, which triggered large anti-government protests late last year. Once the pandemic began, the authorities acted quickly in shutting down schools and the airport, but it exacerbated the economic crisis to where more than 60% of the population is considered below the poverty line. Thousands of businesses have shut down, the currency value has been plummeting, and serious shortages are now everywhere. The government is essentially bankrupt so there are no bailout plans so people are left largely to fend for themselves. The role of WCF to provide aid has become more critical.

In light of the unprecedented crisis, WCF has partnered with multiple ministries in Lebanon to provide Food and Hygiene Care Packages to 4,546 families, which translates to roughly 24,504 people all throughout Lebanon.  We originally targeted the hardest hit refugee families, but everyone has been hit hard including some of the poorer Lebanese.

One of our partners shared this story - 'There was a family that was struggling to buy bread and milk for their kids, they were spotted in a supermarket looking at the price of a powder milk bag and holding it and crying because they couldn’t afford it. This family was able to receive help and food and hygiene care packages from our field partner.'

Another shared this - 'We have been able to help people with food vouchers in a small camp of Syrian refugees. Truly, they have a very real need. During our visits we had a chance to visit a woman who invited us to her home. I was shocked. Her home was only a tent, the ground was dirt, and she was living there with her four children. She said that she had absolutely nothing left to eat and that they had finished everything they had. I was extremely excited to share with her the food voucher for her and her kids to buy food. I cannot describe this moment. “I do not have anything in my home”, she said. “No food at all.” Truly, it was orchestrated by God that he should cover the needs of this family.’

Our Medical Life Centers in 2 areas in Lebanon have been continuing to serve their communities, with new safety procedures. A number of health centers nearby have been closing, but we've been able to stay open and increase our pharmacy and lab subsidies to the poorest patients.

Thank you for your continued partnership with us as we strive to help the refugee and the poorest of the poor worldwide.

WCF Team


